Company Profile

José Cartellone Construcciones Civiles S.A. (José Cartellone Construcciones Civiles)

Get all the information about José Cartellone Construcciones Civiles S.A. (José Cartellone Construcciones Civiles), a company operating mainly in the Water & WasteElectric PowerMining & MetalsInfrastructure and Oil & Gas sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Argentina, which include Hydro DamContainer terminalsThermosolar CSPPort HubWater levelsMulti-purpose portsPost-PanamaxOffshore WindNuclearDeepwater portAgriculture & Industrial WaterDistribution networkBulk commodity terminalsOnshore WindHydroTidal/Wave energyOil PipelinesPhotovoltaicSewer networksDrainageBunker oil/Diesel oilTunnelDry portsWater pipelinesSolarGeothermalWindCorridorsThermoCoal GenerationOil terminalsGenerationAccess roadsDamsNatural Gas GenerationPassenger terminalsHighways - RoadsRenewableBeltwaysBypassesPotable water treatment plantsDesalination plantWastewater treatment plantsMini HydroPotable water systemBridgeWidening WorksRun of the riverCombined cyclePortBiomassFuel oilsGas pipelinesRoadsPaving WorksInland PortIrrigation systemFossil fuelsConstruction Contractor CompanyWater transfer and Fluvial. Write to us at or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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