
MOP receives bids for US$62mn Chacao canal ferry concession

Chile's public works ministry ( MOP) received technical and financial bids for the Chacao canal ferry concession in region X on Thursday, the ministry reported in a release. The concessionaire will operate the infrastructure and ferry services connecting Chiloé island to Puerto Montt. A total of 12 firms purchased the bidding rules but only two companies presented offers: the consortium BI, Concesiones del Sur comprised of Brotec and Icafal and CPT Empresas Marítimas. The latter controls Transmarchilay which currently operates ferry services across the canal. The contract is for 10 years and will require an estimated investment of US$62mn, including infrastructure and boats. Operations are scheduled to start by end-2011 or the beginning of 2012. The project involves the construction of maritime terminals in Pargua and Chacao bays; roadworks to access the Chacao terminal; and a ramp in Pargua bay, which will be partly financed by MOP. The ferry will provide services every 10 minutes during the day and the crossing will take 20 minutes. In addition, passengers will be charged 10% less than the current fare. MOP will open economic offers on February 10.

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