
Brief: AMLO appoints banking, insurance, pension regulatory heads

Brief: AMLO appoints banking, insurance, pension regulatory heads

President-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) made several appointments for the different regulatory areas of the Mexican financial system.

New heads were named for banking and securities commission CNBV, insurance and surety regulator CNSF, and retirement system watchdog Consar.

Adalberto Palma Gómez will head CNBV, Ricardo Ernesto Ochoa Rodríguez will take charge of CNSF, and Abraham Everardo Vela Dib will head Consar.

AMLO also appointed Oscar Rosado Jiménez as new head of Condusef, the country's financial services consumer protection agency.

The new chiefs will assume their posts on December 1, when AMLO takes office.

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  • Project: Iguatu
  • Current stage: Blurred
  • Updated: 2 days ago

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