
Panama's 2019 elections: The time has come for concrete proposals

Panama's 2019 elections: The time has come for concrete proposals

By Gabriel Barletta, president of the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama

(This is a machine translation of the original guest column, written in Spanish)

Having clarified the political horizon with the definition of the candidates of the political parties and by free application, Panama has entered the firm territory towards the general elections to be held on May 5.

It is now up to those who will seek the favor of the electorate to present their electoral offers, based on concrete plans, which focus on a social agenda focused on sustainable solutions, not temporary ones, as deep as education, social security and health, to mention a few. In the same sense, they should propose policies that leverage Panama's economic growth in a higher order than the current one, which would create new jobs and boost the export capacity of the national product.

Likewise, these plans must guarantee the recovery of an institutionality that, while promoting our international competitiveness, encourages structural corrections that facilitate social equity as a basis for our development.

At the end of January, this guild will deliver its Country Agenda to the presidential candidates, aimed at enriching the contents of their corresponding work programs. This document is focused on the issues that require an immediate solution; ignoring them can mean an uncertain future. In this way, the private company reaffirms its commitment to collaborate with the next government administration, identified as it is with the highest purposes of the nation.

Similarly, in coordination with the electoral tribunal, on April 10 we will hold the second presidential debate in order to help citizens exercise their right to an informed suffrage. We hope that the candidates concur with a high-level speech and based on how they will transform the proposed plans into reality; here lies the responsibility of those who aspire to be the highest authority in the country and not in vain promises.

The Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama expects the government to contribute to the development of an electoral process defined by its independence in the electoral game, transparency and tranquility, and urges Panamanians to cohere around the recognized institutionality, independence and the credibility of the Electoral Tribunal, with the confidence that it will again be up to its previous performances, to bring us to consolidate the democracy that we all deserve.

EXEMPTION FROM LIABILITY: The content is the responsibility of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Business News Americas. We invite those interested in participating as a Guest Columnist to send an article for possible publication. For this, contact the editor at

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