
BNDES, EPL to draw up Brazil infra projects

BNDES, EPL to draw up Brazil infra projects

Brazil's federal development bank BNDES signed a technical cooperation agreement with Empresa de Planejamento e Logística (EPL) to draw up and develop infrastructure projects.

EPL is an autonomous government corporation linked to the transport ministry and created in 2011 to develop and operate a high-speed rail network and integrate it with other transportation systems.

As the project never materialized, EPL's responsibilities were expanded in 2012 to include the planning and assessment of all of Brazil's logistics and transportation systems, including highways, railways, ports, airports and waterways.

The partnership between BNDES and EPL will start with the evaluation of 5,679km of highway projects.

"EPL has macro knowledge of logistics and infrastructure priorities and BNDES has the financial capacity. We have to join efforts," said the bank's president Dyogo Oliveira (pictured) in a statement.

"Brazil needs to find suitable models to attract investment, mainly by foreign partners."

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