
Brief: New CEO at Brazil's Igua Saneamento

Brief: New CEO at Brazil's Igua Saneamento

The board of Brazilian sanitation company Igua Saneamento, formerly known as CAB Ambiental, confirmed Gustavo Guimaraes as its new CEO.

Guimaraes replaced Otavio da Silveira and has occupied the CEO role since August.

The leadership change was widely expected and took place amid a change in control at the company. Formerly owned by Galvao Participacoes and BNDESPar, control was recently acquired by investment fund FIP Igua, which in turn is owned by private equity firm IG4 Capital.

Igua provides services to 6.6mn people in 18 cities in the states of São Paulo, Mato Grosso, Paraná, Santa Catarina and Alagoas.

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