
Chile to set up 'decarbonization' taskforce

Chile to set up 'decarbonization' taskforce

Chile's energy minister Susana Jiménez (pictured) announced the creation of a public-private taskforce to help decarbonize the country's energy matrix.

"As a government, we believe that the decarbonization of the power matrix must be dealt with responsibly and publicly," Jiménez said in a speech at a dinner to celebrate 15 years of Chilean renewable energies association Acera (in photo).

"The taskforce will be focused on creating a timetable that allows decarbonization to be implemented efficiently, ensuring the safe and reliable operation of our networks, ensuring compliance with the environmental objectives assumed not only at a national level, but also at an international level."

She added that the process will require, together with the private sector, looking for alternative jobs to replace those lost as a result.

The minister also highlighted that renewable energies have generated an unprecedented paradigm shift in the energy sector and the energy ministry will be working to accommodate this change.

"In the short and medium term, it will be necessary to generate conditions that facilitate the massive incorporation of renewable energy into the matrix. We will have to work, therefore, on the creation of a modern regulatory framework that recognizes and promotes greater flexibility, that allows us to assure high standards of supply quality and security, as well as the use of new technologies," Jiménez said.

Acera president José Ignacio Escobar said the decarbonization process should be carried out by all players in the energy sector.

"Government, congress, companies, academics, communities, NGOs, consultants, suppliers of goods and services for the industry and all of us who participate in the power sector face the great challenge of making the best decisions for the energy needs of today and the changing scenario of the future," Escobar told the event.

During the dinner, President Sebastián Piñera sent a greeting from the roof of La Moneda presidential palace surrounded by its solar panels. In a video, he highlighted the great advances made by NRCEs in recent years and the importance that these technologies have had in mitigating climate change.

The dinner was also attended by energy undersecretary Ricardo Irarrázabal and mining minister Baldo Prokurica, among other government officials, along with lawmakers and ambassadors.


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