
Colombia to present draft regasification infrastructure regulation

Colombia to present draft regasification infrastructure regulation

Colombian energy stakeholders are set to review plans for the development of regasification infrastructure as part of efforts to increase natural gas supply.

Energy and gas regulator CREG is due to hold workshops on May 16 and 17 to present a proposal that would establish a special and complimentary procedure to execute gas supply plan projects through selection processes for the regasification infrastructure.

Authorities are devising a process to select an investor to develop a second LNG regasification terminal.

ALSO READ AT A GLANCE: Colombia's natural gas prospects

The proposal, which is out for consultation through June 5, would not allow the participation of groups with shares in gas producers, traders or distributors in Colombia, among other conditions.

All gas users would have access to the regasification infrastructure capacity through a monthly request scheme and capacity not used by the offtaker could be negotiated with another consumer.

Natural gas demand forecast for Colombia (CREDIT: UPME)

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