
Colombian authorities look to begin building US$500mn 4G highway

Colombian authorities look to begin building US$500mn 4G highway

Colombian highway concessionaire Nueva Vía al Mar, which is responsible for the 1.6tn-peso (US$508mn) Mulaló-Loboguerrero highway, is expected to start works in April, as the government is making efforts to speed up approval of an environmental permit.

Government officials have also met authorities in Valle del Cauca department to speed up the process, deputy infrastructure minister Manuel Gutiérrez said in statements to daily Portafolio.

According to environmental regulator ANLA, which is responsible for reviewing the permit requested by Nueva Vía al Mar, the concessionaire held two public hearings last year to inform locals about the project and respond to concerns regarding its potential impacts on local water bodies. The project has been halted due to these possible problems.

ANLA has already authorized infrastructure agency ANI to disburse 10bn pesos to the contractor, which will be used for works to protect the local river basins, Portafolio reported.

The project, which is part of the 4G highways program, involves the construction of a 31.8km road between the towns of Mulaló and Loboguerrero in Valle del Cauca, including building five tunnels and 51 bridges, according to the concessionaire's website.

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