Brazil , Argentina , Chile , Peru and Bolivia

Governments plan Peru-Bolivia-Brazil inter-oceanic railroad

Governments plan Peru-Bolivia-Brazil inter-oceanic railroad
Brazil, Peru, and Bolivia are teaming up to build an inter-oceanic railroad between Peru's Pacific coast and Brazil's Atlantic coast, Brazilian federal news agency Agência Brasil reported. As an extension of Bolivia's Montero-Bulo Bulo railway project currently being prepare, Peru and Brazil are coming into the picture to help build a multi-national railway aimed at stimulating import/export activity between the countries. The railway will start in the Peruvian port city of Ilo and run 1,200km to the inland port city of Puerto Suárez in Bolivia, first passing through the municipal regions of Bulo Bulo and Montero. From Puerto Suárez, it will cross Brazil's border into the mid-western state of Mato Grosso do Sul, and eventually reach Brazil's Atlantic coast, the report said without providing further details on the route. According to Bolivia's President Evo Morales, construction in Bolivia will start shortly. The country also has plans to connect to Argentina by way of Tarija department's Yacuiba city in southern Bolivia, and to Chile along its northern coast.

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