
A new and revamped Cartagena?

A new and revamped Cartagena?

Colombia's government signed two cooperation agreements with the port city of Cartagena to boost its infrastructure.

Infrastructure agency ANI said it will provide technical advice to the city to help it develop concession projects and other public-private-partnership initiatives. Among the projects being looked at to boost Cartagena's tourism industry are new roads and relocating Rafael Núñez airport to the Bayunca district from its current location in Crespo.

The projects could turn Cartagenta into "the main destination of the Caribbean," said ANI head Luis Fernando Andrade.


Meanwhile, Colombia's president Juan Manuel Santos inaugurated a 25km highway connecting Cartagena with fellow Bolívar department municipalities Turbaco and Arjona, at a cost of 125.5bn pesos (US$42.6mn). It was part of the Ruta Caribe project.

This new highway included five bridges, and it's expected to benefit around 400,000 users.

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