
Brazil court gives go-ahead for airport auction

Brazil court gives go-ahead for airport auction

Brazil's federal audit court TCU authorized the auction of concessions for 12 small airports.

With the approval, the federal government is able to go ahead with the auction. Originally, it was projecting to hold the auction this December but local media reported that the government is planning to postpone it until next year.

Transport minister Valter Casimiro prefers a delay until next year as he wants to assure the customary 100 days for interested groups to analyze the concessions.

The government will offer the concessions in three blocks.

The first block is for northeastern airports serving Recife, Maceió, Aracaju, Juazeiro do Norte, João Pessoa and Campina Grande. The second involves central region airports Cuiabá, Rondonópolis, Alta Floresta and Sinop, while the third two southeast airports, in Vitória and Macaé.

According to the rules, bidders can win more than one block.

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