
Italy's Geodata wins tender for Lima Metro line 2 consultancy

Italy's Geodata wins tender for Lima Metro line 2 consultancy
Peru's private investment promotion agency ProInversión has awarded the consultancy tender to oversee the concession process for line 2 of capital Lima's metro system to a consortium led by Italian firm Geodata Engineering. Geodata has a 70% stake in the group, while companies Esan and Serconsult each hold 15%, government news agency Andina reported. Line 2 will run over 35km from Ate district in the east of the capital to Callao in the west. The cost of construction is expected to reach some US$3bn, with a first stretch to start operations in 2016. ProInversión expects to award the concession at end-2013. The tender attracted bids from nine consortiums, but only five qualified after a first round of assessments.

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