
Minister: Mexico City needs over a year to fix metro


Mexico City's No. 12 metro line is not due to fully reopen until November 2015, some 18 months after it was shut down amid safety fears.

"Due to the complexity of the rehabilitation works and the delivery periods for the 528,000 parts that need to be replaced, the line will reopen in November next year," Mexico City public works (Sobse) minister Alfredo Hernández said in a press release.

Mexico City decided to halt services on the US$1.85bn metro line in March, just 18 months after it opened. Six trains were removed from service as a result of premature wear and tear along the entire track, causing bends in the rails and subsequent damage to wheels.

Repairs on the line are expected to cost 450mn pesos (US$34mn) but the deadline for completion of the repairs has been repeatedly pushed back.

At least 65% of the repair cost will be covered by construction companies ICA and Carso Infraestructura y Construcción, while the former director of the project, Enrique Horcasitas, and 33 other public officials have been fined and dismissed from public office for their role in the construction.

The line will be reopened in phases, with the first section between Culhuacán and San Andrés Tomatlán expected to become operational in May.

BNamericas will host its 5th South America Infrastructure Summitin Colombia on October 22-23.

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  • Company: Haskell Mexico
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