
Brief: Argentina expands gas connection financing program

Brief: Argentina expands gas connection financing program

Argentina's energy and mining ministry has included natural gas distributors Metrogas, Ecogas, Litoral Gas, Gasnea and Camuzzi into the Mejor Hogar Gas program, in which families can connect to the gas distribution network via the ProCreAr small loan program.

Under the initiative, families which make 26,580 pesos (US$1,500) per month and live adjacent to the gas network can receive loans with 60 fixed payments that range from 233 pesos to 492 pesos, depending on the number of connections (up to three: water heater, heater and stove). The fixed interest rate is 16% and the total financial cost of the loan is 18.32%.

The companies join Gas Natural Fenosa and Gasnor.

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