
Panama urban highway tender set for June

Panama urban highway tender set for June

Panama's public works ministry (MOP) will launch a tender in mid-June to upgrade approximately 10km of urban highway in capital Panama City.

The project entails the design, construction, and maintenance as part of the rehabilitation of the Transístmica highway stretch between Plaza Agora and the San Isidro metro station.

Among works to be carried out are the addition and expansion of drainage infrastructure, pedestrian footbridges and sidewalks, and the preservation of public service lines during the construction period.

The improvements will enable more fluid traffic flow between road and public transport modes, MOP said in a statement.

See other road projects in tendering stage

No referential budget has been given, although previous reports set the estimated cost at around US$70mn, with Metro de Panama set to cover a portion of the cost.

Construction time is set at 548 days, to be followed a three-year maintenance period, according to tender documents available here, in Spanish, on Panama's public procurement website under the identification code: 2016-0-09-0-08-LV-004269.



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  • Current stage: Blurred
  • Updated: 1 month ago

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