
Antaq to launch Rio de Janeiro port PPP tender

Antaq to launch Rio de Janeiro port PPP tender

Brazil's waterways regulator Antaq will launch a tender for a 25-year port terminal concession in the state of Rio de Janeiro on April 20.

The regulator said in a release that the 25-year public-private partnership will involve the construction and operation of a 13,453m2 bulk grain terminal, mostly for wheat, in the Rio de Janeiro port region. An announcement was made in country's official gazette earlier this week.

Besides a required investment of approximately 93.1mn reais (US$29mn), the eventual concession holder will have a fixed monthly lease payment of 428,396 reais. The contract value over the 25-year period should total some 515mn reais. The concession, however, will have the option to extend for another 25 years, the release said.

Documentation with information about guarantees and the qualifying process will be available on April 17. For more information on Antaq, visit here.

The initiative falls under the federal government's investment partnerships program, PPI.

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