
Brazil state governor charged in Odebrecht probe

Brazil state governor charged in Odebrecht probe

Minas Gerais state governor Fernando Pimentel has been charged with corruption and money laundering related to contracts with construction conglomerate Odebrecht.

Prosecutors accused Pimentel of benefitting Odebrecht between 2012 and 2014 when he was Brazil's industry and development minister. Pimentel allegedly received 15mn reais (currently US$4.6mn) in bribes.

Pimentel is suspected of favoring Odebrecht in works in Argentina and Mozambique, according to prosecutors, who did not unveil further details.

A spokesperson for the governor denied any wrongdoing when contacted by BNamericas.

Odebrecht is at the center of the Lava Jato probe into corruption in contracts between construction companies, the government and federal oil giant Petrobras.


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