
Construction advances on US$330mn Colombian highway

Construction advances on US$330mn Colombian highway

Construction work on Colombia's Giradot-Ibagué-Cajamarca highway is pushing forward with the installation of 11 bridges and the overall project has now reached the 13% completion mark, infrastructure agency ANI reported.

Nine of these bridges, construction of which is being advanced by concessionaire Concesión Vial Gica, are part of section 1 of the projects first functional unit, which entails 10.9km between the Rovira intersection and Boquerón municipality. The other two bridges are located in sectors 2 and 3 of the same unit.

In total, the 1tn-peso (US$330mn) project entails the construction of 69 bridges, with the longest being approximately 1,400m long.

The first functional unit of the highway has now reached the 34% completion mark and the whole road is expected to be finished by 2024.

The overall project, which is part of the 4G highways program, will also include six tunnels and the construction of a second lane on the existing road for 35.1km.

The consortium responsible for the works is formed by Constructora Colpatria (29%), Mincivil (29%), HB Estructuras Metálicas (14%), Termotécnica Coindustrial (15%) and Latinoamérica de Construcciones Latinco (13%).

The ANI website classifies this project as a public-private partnership initiative.

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