
Brazil's BRK obtains US$150mn loan for sewerage works

Brazil's BRK obtains US$150mn loan for sewerage works

Brazilian water, wastewater and solid waste management company BRK Ambiental Participações has obtained a loan of 578mn reais (US$156mn) from regional development bank Banco do Nordeste do Brasil.

Proceeds will be invested in a public-private partnership with northeast Brazil's Pernambuco state water utility Compesa.

The amount will finance about 70% of the second investment cycle of BRK in the 15 municipalities of the metropolitan region of Pernambuco capital Recife.

In total, more than 900mn reais will be invested in the area to increase sewage service coverage from 40% to 50% by 2023, according do CFO Sergio Barros, O Estado de S. Paulo newspaper reported.

The plan includes a 450km network expansion, five new sewage treatment stations and 25 sewage pumping stations. The works will benefit 4.8mn people.

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