
Colombia's Ibagué launches waterworks

Colombia's Ibagué launches waterworks

Colombia is launching works to increase water supply in the city of Ibagué, capital of Tolima department.

Housing minister Luis Felipe Henao was on hand in Ibagué to sign a contract that will add infrastructure to the city's water system. Works are valued at 3.1bn pesos (US$974,000), according to a ministry release.

The works include building water intake infrastructure to draw from the Cay creek, expanding the city's water flow rate to 382.5l/s, up from 150l/s.

The project will reduce the risks of water shortages from the system that draws from the Combeima River, which at times is not an apt water source due to high turbidity levels.

Consortium Aguas Para Ibagué, comprising the Colombian subsidiary of Spanish company Licuas and Colombia's Construval Ingeniería, will carry out the construction works, which are expected to be completed by end-2016, local news outlet P&C reported.

The tendering process was managed by state development agency Findeter, which is also advancing works to build a complementary system for Ibague of 4.7km of potable water distribution lines.



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