
Pachacámac district plans new landfill project

Peru's Pachacámac district in Lima province expects to implement a new sanitary landfill within the next two years, according to the president of Lima's southern districts association Amasur, Hugo Ramos. Pachacámac is receiving technical assistance for the project from an Italian firm and plans to request financial support from Lima's municipal government, state news agency Andina reported. "We believe that since Lima's municipal government considered some 25mn soles [US$9mn] to develop northern Lima in 2012, they could also approve a similar amount for southern Lima," Ramos said. The landfill will cover 10ha and allow for the separation of organic and inorganic waste generated in Amasur districts San Borja, Pachacámac, San Juan de Miraflores, Villa El Salvador and Villa María del Triunfo, among others. The project aims to cut spending on public cleaning and facilitate recycling in the area, benefiting 1mn people. Future plans involve building a waste separation plant near the plant to recycle cardboard, paper, wood, metal and plastics, the report said.

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