
Argentina begins widening new stretch of Luján-Junín highway

Argentina begins widening new stretch of Luján-Junín highway

Argentina's transport ministry has announced it has begun construction works on a 38km stretch of highway between San Andrés de Giles and Carmen de Areco in Buenos Aires province as part of the Luján-Junín highway project.

The full project entails doubling the width of the entire 210km road into a four-lane divided highway and involves a total estimated investment of 8.4bn pesos (US$540mn), according to a statement on the government website.

According to the ministry, the 38km road segment will be widened with a planned investment of 1.5bn pesos (US$101mn) from the federal government. This will reduce travel times and accidents, benefiting the inhabitants of Luján, San Andrés de Giles, Carmen de Areco, Chacabuco and Junín.

It is also expected to improve the movement of goods for the agriculture and livestock sectors.

The ministry also underlined that last year another 31km stretch of the road was completed between San Andrés de Giles and Junín, and that the works on a 40km section between Chacabuco and Junín are underway.

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