
Coelce Installs "Virtual" Client Service

Brazil's Ceara state distributor Coelce has installed a "virtual" service to serve clients outside state capital Fortaleza, in the interior of the state. The service will attend clients in the state's interior, where often there is no infrastructure and installing it to serve clients is very costly," Synapsis general manager Victor Hugo Munoz told Synapsis is the company that installed the system. "The system allows for all kinds of questions and requests through equipment connected to the Internet, which could either be in Coelce vans or in the network of franchises that the company will establish in the state's interior, where a businessman with the necessary equipment can represent the company, facilitating customer service," he explained. "In two and a half months we will install the system, which is already operational. The only service is cannot cope with at present is paying bills on line, but this will be available in the near future," Munoz said. Synapsis is a subsidiary of Chilean holding Enersis (NYSE: ENI), and developed the system together with Endesa Spain subsidiary Mundivia. Endesa Spain controls Enersis, and both companies control Coelce.

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