
Colombia readies new tender terms for works on La Línea tunnel

Colombia readies new tender terms for works on La Línea tunnel

New preliminary tender terms for the works to finish Colombia's La Línea tunnel have been prepared by highway authority Invías, which reduced the budget to 224bn pesos (US$78mn) from the original 227bn pesos.

The new tender is being prepared after the original process was canceled last week when no offers were made.

Invías director Carlos García confirmed that the new tender for the remaining works will be launched on May 22, while bids will be opened on June 6 and the contract will be awarded on July 4.

The project involves completing the remaining 12% of the project, which includes paving a 5.5km stretch of road and finishing works on several bridges and secondary tunnels, among other tasks.

Unión Temporal Segundo Centenario (UTSC) was originally responsible for construction of the tunnel, but its contract was canceled by Invías in December 2016 following delays in the works, which by then had reached the 88% completion mark.

This structure is part of the much bigger Cruce de la Cordillera project, costing 1.7tn pesos and entailing four other contracts.

The preliminary bases can be seen here, in Spanish.

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