
Ecuador steps up power-oil synergy push

Ecuador steps up power-oil synergy push

Ecuador's plan to link the national interconnected power grid (SNI) with the one that supplies oil operations, called SEIP, continues to gain momentum.

In the latest development, state power generation holding company Celec will invite shortlisted firms to help structure the technical, legal and financial aspects of process to allow private sector participation in the SNI-SEIP project.

Offers for the 105-day contract are due on November 16 and awarding is expected by month-end, according to procurement information.

Last month, BNamericas reported that Celec launched bidding to carry out feasibility studies for the planned transmission infrastructure.

Read Ecuador readies transmission works package

In a related note, generation units arrived (pictured) at state E&P operator Petroamazonas' fields from Celec's Quevedo thermoelectric plant that will run on crude and are part of energy optimization efforts.

Read Operator Series: Petroamazonas' optimization drive



For its part, Petroamazonas announced the start of drilling of the DRRD 045 and PRHB-006 wells at the Drago and Parahuacu fields, respectively, in Sucumbíos province.

Cóndor Servicios Petroleros spud DRRD 045 which is the first of 34 wells planned for Drago during the next two years. The well will take 24 days to reach 10,132ft with estimated oil initial output of 700b/d.

CNPC-Chuanquing Drilling Engineering spud PRHB-006 which is part of a 25 well program at Parahuacu for 2018-20. The well will take 25 days to reach 10,250ft with estimated initial production of 350b/d.

Petroamazonas will pay the contractors an average tariff of US$17.46, considering a WTI price of US$60/b.

Drago and Parahuacu are part of the Campos Menores round which envisions private investment of US$696mn during the first three years of service contracts awarded in the process and signed in February.

The Guanta-Dureno and Paka Norte fields also fall under Campos Menores. Authorities forecast incremental production of around 77Mb over the duration of the 10-year contracts.


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