
EFE central zone tender draws 3 offers

Three offers were submitted to Chile's state rail company EFE for the second concession contract that falls under its US$998mn, 2003-2005 investment plan, the company said Monday. The 16-year, US$78mn-plus contract entails renovating and maintaining the rail network's central zone (Zona Centro), which covers the Alameda-San Rosendo, San Rosendo-El Ancla and Concepción-Lomas Coloradas stretches for a total of 751km. The bidders are Consorcio Comsa de Chile-Icil-Icafal, OHL and Consorcio Tecsa Empresa Constructora-Dragados. Economic bids of those that meet technical bidding requirements will be opened May 19, with contract signing and works startup slated to begin two months after the contract is awarded. Works will benefit passenger and cargo transport between capital Santiago's Metropolitan Region and Region VIII, in particular Region VIII capital Concepción's Biovías public transport program.

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