Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic renewable projects suffer setbacks

Dominican Republic renewable projects suffer setbacks

Latest information from the Dominican Republic reveals that two renewable energy projects have hit stumbling blocks.

The country's energy regulator CNE has declared the expiration of the provisional concession granted to Domita Group for the planned 50MW Montecristi Solar Domita park.

The company picked up the concession in 2015 to conduct further analysis and studies for the solar complex, envisioned for the municipality of Guayubín in Montecristi province.

The watchdog also rejected a request from EGE Haina for a provisional concession to carry out further analysis and studies for the 50MW La Esperanza wind farm, planned for the municipality of La Esperanza in Valverde Mao province.

CNE said that the power producer filed the request during the moratorium or provisional suspension to receive new requests for provisional concessions for primary variable renewable sources.

EGE Haina, which is currently ramping up operations of the 48.3MW Larimar II wind farm, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Read At a Glance: Renewables growth in the Dominican Republic


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