Honduras and Colombia

Colombia awards another 'roads to equality' project

Colombia awards another 'roads to equality' project

Colombian roads authority Invias has awarded the firm Constructora LHS SAS the Perimetral de Mocoa highway project, part of the government's so-called roads to equality program.

The firm was chosen by Invias out of 51 bidders, according to a government statement.

The project involves total investment of 9.1bn pesos (US$31mn).

Works include paving of 3.1km of highway between a bridge over the Mulato river in the Independencia sector, and the intersection with the Mocoa-Pitalito stretch, as well as the construction of a stretch between El Carmen and Troncal del Magdalena.

The roads to equality program counts on 4tn pesos for the construction of 60 routes in 26 departments.

Most recently, the Coveñas-Momil works were awarded to the Pavicar consortium.

All the other routes in the program are under construction or have signed contracts except the following three, which are in the contracting process:

Coveñas-Momil (Sucre-Córdoba):

Work area: 20km

Investment: 21.9bn pesos

Awarded to: Consorcio Pavicar (contract not yet signed)

Ciénaga-Tasajera Y road:

Work area: 10km

Investment: 165bn pesos

Awarding: August 30, 2016

Malecón (esplanade) de Quibdó:

Works: improving and expanding tourism infrastructure

Investment: 12.3bn pesos

Dates: TBA

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