
Transshipment terminal project at Corozal port moves forward

Transshipment terminal project at Corozal port moves forward

The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) announced that its board of directors has approved the tender specifications document for the construction and operation of a transshipment terminal at the Canal's Corozal port.

The document must be published within 10 days from the announcement.

ACP said in a press release that it is now able to continue the tender process with the prequalified participants, who were announced earlier this year.

Netherlands-based APM Terminals, the terminal operator unit of Danish container shipping company Maersk Line; Marseille-based Terminal Link, a subsidiary of French container shipping line CMA CGM; Luxembourg-based Terminal Investment Limited, a subsidiary of Swiss line Mediterranean Shipping Company; and Singapore-based PSA International, are the prequalified companies.

ACP's right to award a concession for the Corozal transshipment port project has been questioned and even faced legal action at the end of last year.

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