Press Release

Works for the West access in Argentina began to be tendered


This Argentine government press release was published using an automatic translation system.

Within the framework of the comprehensive works plan for the access network to the City of Buenos Aires, the tender for works that are fundamental to improve safety, capacity and travel times in Acceso Oeste at the height of the localities of Ituzaingó, Moreno and Luján.

The most important work consists of the construction of a fourth lane along 3.5 kilometers, in the direction of Luján. In addition, it foresees the paving of shoulders and the widening of the bridges José María Paz and Martín Fierro for a better ordering in the crossings and the accesses.

The project also includes the incorporation of 3 km of third lane - in both directions - and the adaptation of the branches of the distributors of the streets Wilde / La Reja and Gorriti, at the height of Moreno. In addition, it stipulates the construction of a branch link at the junction of RN 5 and 7, to expedite the movement of traffic from Mercedes to San Andrés de Giles.

The expansion works accompany the demographic and urban growth in the western area of ​​the Metropolitan Area of ​​Buenos Aires, where in recent years new industries and residential areas have settled. They will also improve road safety for the more than 180,000 vehicles that transit the stretches of highway affected by the works.

"The works will soon begin, injecting employment and movement to the sector, with these improvements we are paying off a debt with the hundreds of thousands of Argentines who move in the Metropolitan Area of ​​Buenos Aires and who come and go to the City to work and We are not only going to provide more capacity, but we are going to order the crossings and accesses, all to improve road safety, "said Guillermo Dietrich, Minister of Transportation of the Nation.

All the information corresponding to the works sheets is available for free on the website of Vialidad Nacional and the road concessionaire Autopistas del Oeste

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