
Liberty unit partners with telco firm to sell life microinsurance coverage

Colombian insurance company Liberty Seguros, a unit of US insurer Liberty Mutual, has signed a distribution agreement with telecommunications services provider Edatel to offer microinsurance policies in the life segment, local insurance association Fasecolda said in a press release. The policies will be offered in the departments where Edatel operates - Antioquia, Córdoba, Sucre, Cesar y Santander - and premiums will range between 4,800 and 10,000 pesos (US$2.66 and US$5.56). Liberty expects 20,000 families to purchase the new product in the short term, according to the press release. In February, Liberty Seguros announced a similar deal with Colombian energy firm Empresa de Energía de Boyacá, and said at the time that it was expecting to sell 40,000 policies.

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