
Fracking, consultations on agenda for Colombia's next government

Fracking, consultations on agenda for Colombia's next government

Colombia's next government must prioritize a series of proposed regulatory changes to guarantee the future health of the oil and gas industry, according to mining and energy minister Germán Arce.

Rules related to public consultations, royalties and non-conventional drilling will need addressing when the new government takes office in August, Arce said.

"The [industry's] relationship with communities and a modification of the royalty system to favor producing municipalities will mark the energy mining agenda for the coming years," the outgoing minister said in a statement.

Colombians will choose a successor to President Juan Manuel Santos on May 27, with a runoff vote scheduled for June 17.

Arce said that uncertainty related to public consultations has yet to be resolved.

In addition, he proposed pilot fracking programs in the Magdalena basin to show "communities that it is possible to develop this type of exploration in a sustainable and safe way."

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