Guyana and Mexico
Press Release

The IMP strengthens business relations with Guyana

The IMP strengthens business relations with Guyana

This press release from The Mexican Petroleum Institute was published using an automatic translation system.

As a result of the memorandum of understanding between the Mexican Petroleum Institute (IMP) and the Ministry of Natural Resources of Guyana, led by Minister Raphael Trotman, a meeting was held between officials of the IMP and the Guyana Petroleum Department to identify various areas of opportunity for the development of the energy, oil and gas sector of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana.

On the part of the IMP, the meeting was headed by Rafael Ramos Palmeros, Director of Talent Development of the IMP and aimed to carry out the transfer of knowledge about the tools that will make up the documents committed to the Government of Guyana. In compliance with the commitment agreed between the Government of Guyana and the IMP, derived from the establishment of a business relationship that is being managed, there will be a first six-week stay to receive training in three tools: Visioning, Analysis, Stakeholders and Planning of Fields

This will have the first of three parts to build models that will be developed by visitors, and additionally will be knowing all the services offered by the institution.

In addition to showing the technological capabilities of the IMP, the offer of modular refinery technology was started, in accordance with the needs and capacities required in Guyana, as well as field planning studies.

The IMP will develop technological projects and services with this nation, with three proposals to participate in a research fund. This relationship that has been established will benefit the IMP not only as a technological partner in the international arena, but also in its billing, as it seeks the supply of services demanded by a nascent oil and gas industry. The Guyanese delegation consisted of Nicholas Chuck-A-Sang, in charge of the Directorate of the Petroleum Department; Zola Williams, head of the Legal Department and Marissa Foster, Department of Petroleum Geology.

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