
Cargo transport through Brazilian ports expands

Cargo transport through Brazilian ports expands

Cargo transportation through Brazilian ports increased 8.5% last year, dominated by commodities.

The volume of cargo moved totaled 1.09Bt, according to figures from national transports confederation CNT.

"The growth in the volume of cargo transported can be explained by investments in the management of some port facilities, which have optimally planned the route of the cargo arriving at the terminals either by trucks or by rail. With this, the ports have gained efficiency and could carry more," said CNT director Bruno Batista.

He underscored that the cargo transportation increase via ports was also a result of heightened activity on railways and in waterways in the period.

The volume of port cargo was dominated by commodities. According to CNT, solid bulk cargo accounted for most waterway transportation, with 696Mt of cargo handled, up 10.4% over 2016.

After a 10-day truckers' strike in May which stifled economic activity and showed the downside of Brazil's dependence on highways, authorities started to focus even more on alternatives to road transport.

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