Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico unveils energy PPPs amid economic turmoil

Puerto Rico unveils energy PPPs amid economic turmoil

Puerto Rico's embattled government released a list of priority project proposals for this year, among them energy sector initiatives that would be carried out through public-private partnerships (PPP).

The projects envision natural gas use at power utility AEE's residual fuel oil fired-plants Costa Sur (990MW) and Palo Seco (602MW) which would cost US$150mn-265mn and US$200mn-360mn, respectively.

Information from the Puerto Rico Public-Private Partnerships Authority also reveals that AEE seeks partners to develop renewable energy projects, including photovoltaic and wind, for between US$100mn and US$700mn.

Puerto Rico electricity generation by energy type (CREDIT: Puerto Rico Energy Commission with AEE data)

To advance on this front, the government agency issued a request for qualifications to provide advisory services.

The authority also published rules governing the PPP contract tendering, evaluation, selection, negotiation and awarding processes.

The US commonwealth territory's initiatives come as governor Ricardo Rosselló seeks a form of bankruptcy protection under a new US federal law for insolvent territorial governments called Promesa. Puerto Rico has been in recession since 2006.


Pictured: Palo Seco thermoelectric plant (CREDIT: AEE)

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