
Santa Catarina asks BNDES to cancel waterworks consultancy call

Santa Catarina asks BNDES to cancel waterworks consultancy call

The government of Brazil's Santa Catarina state is calling on national development bank BNDES to cancel an announcement it made on Thursday seeking consultants interested in developing public-private partnership plans for waterworks for the state, a state government spokesperson told BNamericas.

"Santa Catarina chief of staff Nelson Serpa has sent a letter to the bank indicating that state governor Raimundo Colombo is demanding the cancelation of the procurement process," the spokesperson said.

According to the initial proposal by BNDES made on March 10, the bank was seeking technical services aimed at developing plans to achieve universal water and sanitation coverage. Details of Thursday's procurement notice [such as privatization] do not coincide with the initial proposal," added the official.

The state's current water utility is Casan.


BNDES, which has already selected consultancy companies to prepare waterworks plans for other states, this week called for proposals for the states of Acre, Ceará, Paraíba, Rio Grande do Norte and Santa Catarina.

Offers are due April 24 for Acre and Ceará, April 25 for Rio Grande do Norte and Paraíba, and April 26 for Santa Catarina.

The biggest contract for the planning services is for Santa Catarina at 36.1mn reais, while the maximum levels for the other contracts are 24.8mn reais (Paraíba), 21.3mn reais (Rio Grande de Norte), 14.4mn reais (Ceará) and 10.7mn reais (Acre).

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