
São Paulo govt set to tender Raposo Tavares highway works

São Paulo govt set to tender Raposo Tavares highway works

The governor of Brazil's São Paulo state, Geraldo Alckmin (pictured), authorized the publication of a notice for a tender to expand and restore state highway SP-270, known as the Raposo Tavares highway.

The works will be initially divided into four lots, covering 77.6km of the road through the cities of Ourinhos, Piraju, Bernardino de Campos, Ipaussu, Chavantes and Canitar.

"Considering the full project, we will have, 204km of works, 805mn reais [US$259mn] of investments. After the Metropolitan Rodoanel it will be the largest highway project in São Paulo state and is strategic for development," said Alckmin, underlining that the financing is likely to be approved in the coming weeks by the World Bank.

The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and Banco Santander also will finance part of the project.

Works are expected to start later this year and companies interested in participating in the project must provide guarantees.

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