Gameleira 3 photovoltaic plant (Gameleira solar complex)
Get all the information on the Gameleira 3 photovoltaic plant (Gameleira solar complex), a Electric Power project. Connect with the contracted companies and their key contacts, track the project stage and milestones, read related news and more. Some issues around this topic are: Substations, Transmission Lines, Power purchase agreement (PPA) and Photovoltaic. Write to us at or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.Description: The project entails the construction and operation of a solar plant, as part of the Gameleira solar complex, made up of ten generating units and a transmission system of restricted interest, made up of a step-up substation and a transmission line connected to the sectioning substation of the Milagres - Icó C1 line. The initiative, to be implemented in an area of 78.9ha, will be located in the municipality of Milagres, Ceará state, Brazil
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Related companies
Get valuable information on companies involved in the Gameleira 3 photovoltaic plant (Gameleira solar complex).
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- Role: Owner
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- Role: Concessionaire/Operator
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- Role: Constructor
Key contacts
Obtain contact information on key people working at the Gameleira 3 photovoltaic plant (Gameleira solar complex).
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- Position: CEO (Chief Executive Officer)
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- Name
- Position: Business Development Manager
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- Position: Project Manager
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- Position: Head of Procurement
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- Position: HR Director
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- Position: HR Director
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- Position: Production manager
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- Position: Marketing manager
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- Position: COO (Chief Operating Officer)
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Other projects in: Electric Power
Get critical information about thousands of Electric Power projects in Latin America: what stages they're in, capex, related companies, contacts and more.
- Project: Construction of electrification works, package 42 2024, block 27, Resource Allocation Agreement FSUE-RL23-ER-05, Fresnillo Distribution Zone
- Current stage:
- Updated:
18 hours ago
- Project: ELECTRIFICATION WORKS FSUE BLOCK 29, PACKAGE 1: SHEETS: 1313, 1314, 1315, 1316, 1335, 1351, 1364, 1367 AND 1420, CUERNAVACA AREA
- Current stage:
- Updated:
18 hours ago
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The description included in this profile was taken directly from an AI source and has not been edited or modified by BNamericas researchers. However, it may have been automatica...
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The description contained in this profile was extracted directly from an official source and has not been edited or modified by BNamericas researchers, but may have been machine...
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The description contained in this profile was taken directly from an official source and has not been edited or modified by BNamericas researchers, but may have been automatical...
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