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Access news published by more than 3,100 sources worldwide, in real time. The content comes from media, companies, official newspapers, as well as global, national and regional study centers, many of them paid sources.

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Quickly detect news that generates business opportunities and reveals potential risks

Quickly detect news that generates business opportunities and reveals potential risks

Hundreds of specialized news stories arrive daily with real-time information so that you're aware of what's happening in your industry.

Monitor the global press and save searches that are kept up to date in real time

Monitor the global press and save searches that are kept up to date in real time

Use search filters to segment your searches and get the results you're interested in.

Keep up to date with thousands of press releases from governments and companies with interests in Latin America

Keep up to date with thousands of press releases from governments and companies with interests in Latin America

Thanks to Factiva you can get immediate and centralized access to hundreds of press releases issued by public or private entities that can impact your business decisions.

Prepare press clippings to keep different groups in your organization informed

Prepare press clippings to keep different groups in your organization informed

Collect and organize all content that mentions your company or your competitors to measure their status within your marketing and communications department.

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