
Minister: Energy efficiency plan does not mean rationing

The Chilean government's energy efficiency plan due to be introduced in coming years should not be mistaken for a plan to ration electricity, the country's economy and energy minister, Jorge Rodríguez Grossi, said in a government statement. Rodríguez highlighted that the program does not require using less energy but rather finding more efficient ways to produce and conserve it. Some sectors have confused the program with restrictions on energy usage and are concerned this will affect the dynamism of the economy, the statement said. Rodríguez recognized that the gas supply shortages from Argentina are more of a concern for the government in the short term and that the sustainable energy use plan is a medium and long-term goal. Chile's energy consumption is still on a par with economic growth levels, whereas in developed countries GDP tends to rise with less energy requirements. "Our country has reached a level of development which obliges us to start thinking about increasing energy consumption, for that reason this initiative has such broad support," Rodríguez said. The minister stressed that the efficient energy plan was "more than immediate savings or going around turning off lights" but about developing energy awareness and investing in energy saving devices to bring economic benefits in the long term. "It's like a savings account, which requires some basic investment," he said. Short-term goals for residential areas include requiring insulation in newly built homes, which could save the country US$4.34mn a year in energy use, according to Rodríguez. Other plans include labeling energy efficient appliances and energy awareness programs in schools.

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