
Oil Strike Hits Venezuela

Venezuelan oil worker federations and unions yesterday (Oct.11) went on strike to protest negotiation delays over a new collective oil worker contract, local news reported. Some 90% of oil production and refining activity reached a standstill, according to oil worker federation Fedepetrol leader Vladimir Blanco. Venezuela's state oil company PDVSA said only 25% of workers were absent from work, and it would be able to continue oil deliveries for at least a week during strike conditions. The company is replacing workers and relying on automated operations. The government plans to meet with Fedepetrol directors, although some leaders are skeptical of what may be reached. "We have been talking for the past 11 months and nothing has been resolved, so why should we talk now?" union leader Rafael Zambrano said. Oil worker federations and the government have been locked in conflicts since President Hugo Chavez assumed office. Chavez has repeatedly called unions centers of corruption and led by local mob. The Constituent Assembly in March ordered a suspension of collective contract talks for oil workers until new federation elections were held.

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