
Bolivia seeks contractors to complete hydro project

Bolivia seeks contractors to complete hydro project

Bolivian state power generator Ende Corani has issued a call to advance development of the 203MW Miguillas hydroelectric project.

The tender is for tunnel No. 5 of the plant in La Paz department, with registration open through April 4 and offers due on April 11.

Letters inviting registered companies to obtain bidding rules will be sent starting on February 16, according to the procurement notice.

Ende has budgeted 239bn bolivianos (US$35mn) for the tunneling work.

Miguillas is scheduled to come online in 2024 and financial completion of the 3.11bn-boliviano hydro stood at 72.7% in 2021.

Another hydro plant under construction is Ende Valle Hermoso’s 3.83bn-boliviano, 290MW Ivirizu project in Cochabamba department that is penciled in to enter service in 2023.

Also read Bolivia advancing development of 380MW hydro


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