
Enami, Chañaral small miners association sign 6-year contract for Cerro Negro deposit

Chilean state minerals company Enami and the small miners association from northern region III's Chañaral province have extended the rental contract on the Cerro Negro copper deposit for six years, the mining ministry said in a release. The new contract, which was signed by mining minister Hernán de Solminihac and Enami's CEO William Díaz with 22 small miners from the Chañaral association, will allow miners to work with a longer term vision in the development of the deposit owned by Enami, the ministry said. Previous contracts had been for one or two years which limited investment. "Giving small miners a longer term to operate the Cerro Negro deposit will allow them to work in partnership and invest in improvements to productivity, safety and quality of life in a more sustainable way," de Solminihac said. The move is part of a series of government measures designed to support Enami's role in the promotion and development of small and mid-sized miners, with partnerships among miners being one of the main goals. Partnerships would reduce transportation and input costs, allowing the miners to be better prepared to face the impact of changes in metals prices, thus ensuring the sustainability of operations, Díaz previously told BNamericas. "Today, Cerro Negro miners are an example of partnership, an example we hope small miners from other parts of the country will follow," de Solminihac said. The Cerro Negro deposit currently produces around 30,000t/m of copper. This could triple as a result of small miners working together in the long term development of the deposit, de Solminihac added.

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