
GeneXus Tilo beta 2 for launch in October

GeneXus Tilo beta 2 for launch in October
Uruguayan IT company Artech expects the beta 2 version of the next generation of its GeneXus platform, called GeneXus Tilo, to be released at the end of October and to go commercial in the first half of 2014, the company announced. GeneXus Tilo is designed to incorporate the latest advances in web-based technologies HTML5 and CSS3 and update support for the latest versions of mobile platforms Android, BlackBerry and iOS 7. GeneXus technical evangelist Aníbal Gonda told BNamericas that two of the main novelties of GeneXus Tilo is that it incorporates support for Windows 8 and allows applications for smart devices to work offline. "This is so that in areas where connectivity is unstable people can continue working," Gonda said adding that information that is punched in when the device is offline will automatically update and synchronize once connectivity is restored. Artech is holding its 23rd annual GeneXus conference in Uruguayan capital Montevideo this week with over 100 exhibitors and some 4,000 attendees from 25 countries participating in 150 sessions. GeneXus is a tool that facilitates the development of multiplatform mission critical applications and is used by some 7,000 clients worldwide. Outside Uruguay, Artech has offices in the US, Mexico, Brazil and Japan.

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