
MOP, Reg. I to invest US$7mn on Arica-La Paz hwy.

Chile's public works ministry and Region I's government will spend some 4bn pesos (US$7mn) this year to improve and conserve the highway that connects regional city Arica with Bolivia's capital La Paz, Chile's La Tercera quoted regional public works secretary Cesar Faundez as saying. Faundez said the improvement works show the government's willingness to facilitate Bolivian sea access, adding the highway complements a 1904 peace and friendship treaty, under which Chile provide Bolivian cargo free access to the port, as well as free storage. The works are slated to begin next month, and will help repair sections that were damaged by a historic rise of the Lluta river in 2001. Some 250 trucks use the highway daily, as well as growing tourism traffic.

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  • Company: Sacyr Chile S.A.  (Sacyr Chile)
  • The description included in this profile was taken directly from an official source and has not been modified or edited by the BNamericas’ researchers. However, it may have been...