
Argentina calls tender for Santiago del Estero roadworks consultancy


Argentina has called a tender to develop a five-year investment and maintenance plan for road infrastructure in northern Santiago del Estero province.

The project involves a study of Santiago del Estero road infrastructure and traffic data and the development of an effective cost structure, intervention strategies and a priority list of works.

The consultancy contract is for three months and bids must be submitted by January 7.

The planning ministry called the tender, which is part of a broader US$1.5bn program set up in 2007 to improve nearly 1,500km of routes in the so-called Norte Grande, which includes Catamarca, Corrientes, Chaco, Formosa, Jujuy, Misiones, Tucumán, Salta and Santiago del Estero provinces.

IDB is financing the bulk of the work with a 25-year, US$1.2bn loan.

For further information, click here

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