
Bolivia launches US$161mn tender for Oruro, Cochabamba hwy


Bolivia's national highway administrator (ABC) has launched a tender for the construction of a four-lane highway connecting Caracollo in Oruro department with Confital in Cochabamba department.

The works have a referential budget of 1.11bn bolivianos (US$161mn), with the tender broken into two sections: Caracollo to the department border and the border with Confital.

An onsite visit is scheduled for January 27 with questions due January 30. A clarification meeting will be held on February 4 and bids are due March 18. ABC aims to award the tender April 3.

The winner of the first 43km part will have 43 months to carry out the works, while the timeframe for the second 32km-section is 42 months.

The route is part of the east-west corridor that will connect Bolivia with Brazil and Chile.

To view the tender documents, in Spanish, click here.

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