
Coronavirus-related demands drive protests in Peru

Coronavirus-related demands drive protests in Peru

The number of collective protest actions in Peru reached 110 in April versus 85 in March, according to the latest social conflicts report from  ombudsman Defensoría del Pueblo.

Last month’s figure, however, is below recent historical highs, such as the 200-plus registered in November during heightened protests against mining projects.

A review of April’s collective protest actions reveals that roughly half are related to COVID-19 demands, such as calls for greater protection at medical centers and more testing, to the rejection of shelters to house patients.

Meanwhile, no new social conflicts were registered in April, the second consecutive month that such incidents were not recorded.

Also Read Has COVID-19 tempered social conflict in Peru?

The number of active and latent conflicts in April reached 137 and 51, respectively; nearly 70% due to socio-environmental issues and the majority mining-related followed by hydrocarbons.

The report, available here, catalogs another 38 cases/situations as “early alert.”


On Tuesday, the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean released a related brief which states that “the crisis can deepen expressions of unease, distrust and democratic disaffection, which constitutes a significant risk for social cohesion.”

“It is urgent to advance in a social pact focused on wellbeing and rights at different stages of the life cycle to face the impacts of the crisis, proposing a logic of collective protection and equality, with solidarity responses in costs and financing, which requires new tax pacts,” highlights the document, available at this link.

Photo credit: Defensoría del Pueblo

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