Press Release

Petroperú calls for an end to attacks on the North Peruvian Pipeline

Petroperú calls for an end to attacks on the North Peruvian Pipeline

This Petroperu release was published using machine translation.

A new cut was registered at kilometer 51 of Section I of the North Peruvian Pipeline (ONP), close to the native communities Nueva Alianza and Santa Rosa, in the district of Urarinas, Loreto region.

After being alerted to a possible oil leak, Petroperú dispatched operational and maintenance personnel to the area to patrol between kilometers 50 and 55 of Section I of the ONP, managing to locate an intentional outage caused by unidentified third parties.

As part of the first response activities, the execution of the works was coordinated with the neighboring communities and the tools, materials and equipment were transferred to seal the cut and contain the spilled crude. Likewise, the status of the valve located at km 75 of Section I, which remains closed, was verified.

Petroperú coordinated with the Peruvian National Police (PNP) to verify this new attack that the ONP has suffered and reported the fact to the Supervisory Agency for Investment in Energy and Mining (Osinergmin) and to the Environmental Assessment and Enforcement Agency (OEFA). . Likewise, it will continue to report on the actions implemented to address this new contingency.

It should be noted that, since February 13, Section I of the ONP has been paralyzed to attend to the contingencies registered in recent months.

From December of last year to date, the ONP has suffered 14 attacks with more than 50 intentional cuts, of which the vast majority have been registered in Section I. All the attacks registered before the one that occurred on December 26, have been confirmed and are being investigated by the PNP and the Public Ministry in order to determine those responsible for attacking this Critical National Asset, the communities and the environment.

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